
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fawn Magazine Stage 2 - Week 8

Since getting a lot of the content out the way I could focus heavily on the fun stuff this week, designing layouts! I finished off the final touches for The Distillery layout, as well as designing Graffiti Art and Fawn Bits layouts.

I had planned on gathering pieces for the Fawn Loves and Bits sections quite early on in the production process, unfortunately due to lack of time and priorities they kept getting pushed back as I had other more important deadlines to meet. So I spent this week researching items that could be used is the Fawn Loves and Bits sections. My focus was more on getting each section finished, so I started looking for Fawn Bits pieces until I finished then moved onto Fawn Loves. I found it very difficult to find pieces for Fawn Bits, there were lots of great competitions and events, yet all of the happened in the same month May, and I needed 3 pieces for each month (May, June and July).

I finally managed to fins the appropriate amount of pieces for each section, then sent each item link off to Gaia so she could do a little write up for each bit. I then proceeded to find images to be used with the articles, which proved just as difficult as the previous task.

In addition to this I recontacted a few of my advertisers in hopes that the ones that hadn't replied yet would get back to me. I finally got a response back from Young Republic saying they would be very happy to do an advertising swap with Fawn Magazine.


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