
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fawn Magazine Stage 2 - Week 11

I started working on the cover art this week. When we had originally done the shoot, one look in particular was going to be used as the cover shot. Whilst editing this I realised it was going to be incredibly difficult to use this shot as the cover image, as the models hair was quite messy and there were lots of loose strands of hair in the image. I enlisted help from my partner Jeff in editing this image, as he is quite skilled in photo editing. He showed me a way that I could separate the back ground from the image by creating a mask from the image levels rather than deep-etching the image which the pen tool (which is virtually impossible when going around hair).

I used a unedited version of the image to start designing the cover. Choosing a colour scheme for the cover proved very hard. The main thing I wanted was the colours to work harmoniously with the image I had chosen. Secondly I wanted it to also reflect the colour scheme within the magazine. Ultimately I decided to use the colour fawn for the magazine logo. The colour worked perfectly with the image and of course tied in with the magazine name Fawn.

I chose to keep the page design very simple. I used the copy font from inside the magazine to write the season and year, as well as the issue number and individual titles of all the companies featured. I felt it was unnecessary to clutter the page with text like many other printed magazines do. They use text to draw people into buying their magazines, all my over needed to do was inform people what was in it, so that they could decide then and there is they wanted to read it.

A well as continuing on with my photo editing, I also finished a couple more layouts this week. I put together both the Kid. and In.cube8r layouts, both of which I had been putting off as I was having designers block coming up with an interesting layout design. Taking a some off from them gave me a fresh outlook when I came back to it, and I managed to finish the designs ticking of some of the last layouts from my list.


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