
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fawn Magazine Stage 2- Week 10

This week I continued with the photo editing I had started from last week. As this was such a large job I chose to do this editing in bits and pieces so that I wouldn't become bored with the process and still had time to work on other areas of the magazine.

At Ben's request i adjusted the original banners I designed to fit the new banner spaces on my website. Ben worked on implementing the new design into a custom Wordpress theme, the end result which I am really happy with. The new design is very modern and completely reflects the design of the magazine, with heaps of design features being used through out both design tying them together perfectly.

I designed layouts for both the shoots today. The final images that came back from Cheryl were amazing, she totally hit the nail on the head when it came to the style and theme for the shoot. I couldn't be happier. I found it difficult to add the images from both shoots into my pages though, as Fawn Magazine's pages are slightly shorter than A4 which means some of the image was getting cut off when it shouldn't be. I managed to design both pages in a way that made sure none of the images were cropped, and both layouts were individual in design from each other.

Lastly after gathering all the final content for Fawn Loves and getting Gaia to do write ups for all the pieces, I started laying them out int the magazine. This task was much more difficult than I originally expected. Considering the design style was so simple, it was so hard fitting all the content and images on each page, and still have them look pleasing to the eye without cutting everything. It is very hard working with a lot of content and limited space. I finally managed to fit everything and I'm very happy with the final results.


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