
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fawn Magazine Stage 2 - Week 5

This week I followed up with Faddoul, as I was still quite interested in doing a shoot feature on them. I got an email back from Jessica the head designer at Faddoul saying that she hadn't initially seen my email and would be very interested in loaning product for our shoot. With that in mind I started planning the shoot.

The garments were very sophisticated and sleek, so I thought the look needed to be high fashion. I decided I wanted to shoot it in a studio to achieve this look, which worked well as Cheryl was shooting a shoot on location for me so we would have one of each appearing in the magazine. I came across some images in Surface magazine that I fell in love with, and decided I wanted to achieve a similar look in the editing process of my shots. It was almost like a blurred high contrast effect that added a point of interest to the images, and really made them stand out.

I finally found a hair stylist for the shoot, a lady named Nicola Johnson that worked with a friend of mine. As well as doing hair she is also a make up artist, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise as the make up artist I was originally going to use was not available on the day I wanted to shoot. Gaia worked her magic and managed to get in contact with an amazing photographer Ben Scott, who on top of agreeing to shoot for us also offered up his studio as the location.

In addition to all the shoot preparation I also managed to go and shoot graffiti art walls this week in St Peters. There is a cute little alley way called May Lane about 5 minutes walk from St Peters station that was full of incredible graffiti art pieces. I got some great shots from my trip there.


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