
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fawn Magazine Stage 2 - Week 7

Only a short post this week as I didn't manage to get much else done this week due to the shoot taking up most of my time.

The shoot went off without a hitch. I almost had a last minute cancellation from my model Amanda, which put me into a panic. She was so lovely though, and declined a paid job so that she could model for Fawn Magazine. The final outfit selection looked absolutely wonderful on her and all of the pieces worked extremely well together.

We managed to work our way through each shot fairly quickly thanks to our highly skilled team, and were out of there be 5pm. Which in terms of day length for a shoot is quite short. Gaia and I went through the photos on Ben's computer and picked out an edit of all the photos that we liked and wanted to take with us immediately.

From that selection I went through and selected each individual shot that I wanted to appear in the magazine. One of each outfit that we had shot that day. I chose shots based on not only how good the image tuned out, but also the angle and pose of the shots so that we would have a variety different shapes to work with in the final images. I believe doing this will make the final edited shoot more visually appealing to readers.

Lastly I managed to find some time to layout out the Distillery article and images in the magazine. I used a combination of images we had shot on the day of our interview, combined with some amazing shots the team already had. I think this is one of my favourite layouts so far, it's very image heavy which I like.


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