
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fawn Magazine - Week 5

I spent the majority of week 5 doing the bulk of my project documentation and compiling my research from Survey Monkey.

All of the Fawn project documentation is due at the end of next week (week 6), this includes a project plan outlining scope as well as all the technical aspects of the project such as risks management, quality assurance and communication strategies. I spent a lot of week 5 paying close attention to my project documentation in the hope that I wouldn't have as much to work on in the last week. I managed to get a lot done, but still have about a third to go, so will finish that in week 6. The project plan needs to include a project budget which I have found quite hard to predict. As I have never produced a project like this before a lot of it is guessing how much time I think I will need for a certain task.

I compiled the research from my two surveys that were on Survey Monkey. I found the research really helpful, as it allowed me to develop a greater understanding of who my target market are and what they want from an online magazine. The majority of the survey responses indicated that my readers are low income earners, which means I should put a focus on affordable design within Fawn. A few other important points I have drawn from my research are that my readers prefer tidy layouts with a large amount of images focusing on experimental photography, and most importantly they want to be inspired by a magazines content. I think all the responses I gathered will help me create a unique magazine that is suitable and appealing for my target audience.

This week I was able to confirm a hair stylist for my shoots, so with her on board I now have all the necessary resources for these shoots. Although I have found enough resources for the initial shoots, I will still be on the look out for anyone else who is suitable as I will always need people to help out on future issues of Fawn.

I began researching possible shoot ideas for the magazine. As the issue will be releasing in December I am focusing on summer style shoots. My first idea was to have a desert style photo shoot, which seemed like an impossible idea as there are no deserts anywhere near Sydney. However after talking my friend Candice Basa I have been informed that the sand dunes in Cronulla would be prefect for a desert themed shoot. I want the outfits to be a bit tribal, focusing on earthy tones such as beige, rust and khaki. Think bronzed skin, chunky wooden jewellery, beading and thinly woven fabrics. I think it would be perfect for a summer issue. Below are a few inspiration images I found.

As well as a desert themed shoot I also wanted to do a graffiti art shoot, shooting models against graffiti art walls. As I plan on doing an article on graffiti art, I thought it might be a good shoot to tie in with the article. All white outfits were dominant at SS 11/12 Fashion Week, so I thought it would look great to shoot all white outfits against the graffiti art. Here are some research images below that have inspired my idea.

As well as researching content for the magazine, I also started drawing up my website wire-frame, in preparation for design sketches and page mock ups. I am aiming to have the website done by the end of this trimester so that I can start to properly promote Fawn Magazine.


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