
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fawn Magazine - Week 6

This week was largely dedicated to finishing off my project documentation. As usual bringing all the pieces together and laying it out in Indesign took longer than expected, but in the end I managed to hand in a project plan that I am really happy with. I had hoped to finish both my style guide and marketing plan by the end of week 6 as well, but was unable to spend the necessary time finishing them due to my project plan taking priority. I plan on finishing them off over the next week so that I can get client approval on them.

As well as working on documentation, I also began working on my website sketches. The most important thing I want from my website design is that it is easy to navigate. It is crucial that visitors of the site can easily access important information such as contact details, as well as being able to easily navigate to the actual magazine. I would also like the design to be fairly simple, as the main point of the website is to house the magazine. I don't want the design to compete with that of the magazine. 

At this present stage I have drawn up 6 page sketches, one for each page linking from and including the Home page. That includes the following pages Home, About Fawn, Gallery, Mag, Advertise, Contact Us. I am unsure of how the final design of the Gallery page will be as I don't know the full capabilities of Wordpress in regards to image galleries and video. I'll be researching that over the next week so that I am able to draw an accurate sketch of what the page will look like.

This week I also started working on developing the Fawn brand, by designing and developing an icon to use as a favicon on the website. This icon will also be used on any corporate identity such as business cards. One of the reasons I chose to name the magazine Fawn is because it is the name of a young deer. I thought that was a good representation of my magazine, fresh and young emerging into the world for the first time. This is also representative of the emerging designers and artists we are hoping to feature in every issue. I thought it would be great to tie the icon in with this definition by illustrating the silhouette of a fawn. I ended up researching images of fawns and eventually came up with the below design that I am extremely happy with. 

That's all for this week.


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