
Monday, June 27, 2011

Fawn Magazine - Week 4

This week I focused mainly on sourcing resources for my shoots that will happen later in the year. I had this scheduled at a later time in my project gannt chart, but think that is an extremely important factor in the success of Fawn Magazine, and would like to secure resources as soon as possible to avoid last minute panic.

I contacted a few of the Public Relations companies I was in contact with when I was working at Who Magazine. I outlined the magazine and that I would like to borrow product from them if possible. So far I have only heard back from one company who has agreed to lend me product. This company stocks several great local brands, so would be perfect to use in my shoots.

I also contacted several people in regards to helping produce the shoots with me. Through contacting friends that work within the fashion industry I have been able to confirm two models, one to appear in each shoot. I have also secured photographic and styling assistants that will assist me on the shoots, as well as a make up artist friend of mine that has agreed to help. At the moment the only resource I am missing is a hair stylist, so I am currently in the process of contacting a few more people in regards to that. Although I have secured all these resources I will continue to search for more people that would be willing to contribute, in case for any reason some one decides to pull out.

Over the weekend I also met with my friend Candice Basa who is Fine Arts graduate. Candice has agreed to contribute to the magazine as a guest Illustrator that we will feature in our Art section. Candice and I discussed her art style, as well as possible ideas for the illustrations within the magazine. I also mentioned to her the possibility of a launch party for Fawn at the end of the year. She mentioned that one of her friends had just opened an Art Gallery on Oxford St that could be a suitable venue for the launch. I had never seriously considered having a launch party as it would exceed my available budget. I am still looking into this as it would be ideal to have a launch party, and if I am able to find someone that is willing to offer me their venue as well as gain alcoholic sponsorship, it would cut costs dramatically.

As well as coordinating content, I also worked on my project documentation that is due at the end of next week. I started developing a budget, that will reflect how many hours each task within the project will take, and how much that would be charged at.I found this difficult as it is hard to accurately predict how many hours you will need for each specific task.

I also started working on my Style Guide, by doing some preliminary sketches and layouts with the Kuler colour schemes I found last week. I'm finding deciding on a particular style extremely difficult as I want my design to appeal to a large audience, and feel that certain designs might turn readers off the magazine. I need to develop a layout that is not only interesting but also visually appealing to a large audience.

Once I have gathered all of my market research from Survey Monkey I will be able to more accurately predict what my readers expect in a layout which will help me decide on the design style.

That's all for this week.


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