
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fawn Magazine - Week 7

This week I spent a lot of time working on my marketing plan and style guides for Fawn Magazine. 

The majority of this time was spent developing the content for the marketing plan, as I had already researched possible techniques it was more a matter of further detailing the techniques I want to use.

A large amount of marketing Fawn will be digital/online based. I find this extremely relevant to the project due to the fact that Fawn is an online magazine. Promoting the magazine through these avenues, such as Facebook and Twitter, will encourage people to visit the website and view the magazine due to it's instant accessibility through the Internet.

Other avenues that are going to be used for promotion are a company website, EDM (Electronic Digital Mail), an industry appearance, and a media write up. The later two options have become possible since the initial conception of Fawn. The industry appearance involves judging a fashion show for styleXpose which I have mentioned in previous blog updates. The media write up will be conducted by Sydney Party People (a review website) that will be doing a write up on Fawn Magazine. Thanks to Fawn's contributing writer Gaia Gardiner for setting up this opportunity with her contacts at Sydney Party People. Both these elements will help develop Fawn's reputation as well as create great exposure.

Lastly I am still hoping to arrange a magazine launch party for Fawn to happen in early Decemeber when the magazine goes live. I have not included the planning and execution of a launch party in my scope, as I still don't know if it will be possible due to lack of funding and limited budget. However during the final trimester I will be looking into whether or not I can gain sponsorship to cover the party's expenses, as I think it will be an invaluable form of marketing for the magazine.

The Fawn style guide is slowing coming together. As I mentioned in my last post, I was having trouble deciding on the theme I wanted to adopt for the magazine's design. After spending a few more hours on the style guide last weekend, I feel that the design is starting to come together and should be finished this week.

As well as working on this documentation, I also spent some time developing business card design concepts for Fawn. I wanted to keep it fairly simple, using a black and cream colour scheme, while including the Fawn logo and icon. Here are a few of the final versions of the business card. I will be developing the final design from these.

On top of this I spent time creating sketches for the EDM template, as well as the magazine layout sketches. Both are just rough layouts at the moment with multiple options. I am hoping to narrow the design down a bit after all the sketches are complete to develop the final designs.

Lastly I created a document with an outline of all the content that will be appearing in the magazine. This content outline defines what each item will be, and on what pages the item will occur. This gives me a good indication of how many pages the magazine is going to be all up. At the moment I am sitting on 66 pages, but I will possibly add more pages if I end up adding more sections to the magazine. There are about 3 or so possible content ideas that I need to further research before I plan to include them. 

That's all for this week.


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