
Monday, June 6, 2011

Fawn Magazine - Week 1

Well after a busy first week back at college, I have some good news. My idea for Fawn Magazine has been approved, I was given an amber light on my project, meaning that I am able to proceed with project planning, with some minor additions and changes.

I have to say it is a major relief for me, considering all the thought and research I have already put into the project over my break.

We have been asked to document our project progress with a blog post, so not only can my lecturers keep up to date with my my progress on Fawn Magazine, but so too can you, my readers.

Since it's initial conception stage the idea for Fawn has developed, and I now feel I have a solid structure to start building on. My main aim for this magazine is to create a tool for fellow creatives to aid and build their careers in their chosen industry. Not only will the magazine act as a form of fresh inspiration to them, but it will also give them valuable insight into other creative careers and the creative processes that they involve.

In this first week I have completed a basic timeline for the planning, design and production of the magazine. I have also started writing the scope document, which states what it is I will deliver at the end of this project. Over the next week, both these elements will develop further to become more thorough. 

Stay tuned for more news on the progress of Fawn Magazine.


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