
Monday, June 20, 2011

Fawn Magazine - Week 3

This week I spent a lot of time researching content ideas as well as the Wordpress platform which I will be using to produce a blog style website.

I spent approximately 5 hours following Wordpress tutorials from Originally I was following tutorials for an older version of Wordpress. I found these helpful with helping me learn about the interface, but they were very basic and I didn't think they would help me very much with changing the design and css of my website.

I decided to sign up to at home, so that I am able to use the newer version of the tutorials for this. I'm planning on following the tutorials using the exercise files, so that I can accurately learn how to change the design. Once I have done this, I will then do changes to my own website.

I am planning on producing my website this trimester, so that I am able to build interest and market the magazine. Once the website is finished I will be able to direct people to it, as well as update regular content posts to give readers a taste of what to expect from the magazine.

Over the weekend I spent some time researching emerging designers that I could possibly feature in the magazine. From my initial search I found two particularly good websites that housed databases of young Australian designers. Both Young Republic and The Hanging Space have extensive lists of fashion designers, of which I have selected several that I will contact in regards to content for the magazine. 

Through this search I also found several great fashion and design blogs that provided me with content ideas, as well as several more designers that I could possibly contact for product and interviews. The best thing about the blogs I found is that they weren't solely focused on fashion, many of them showcased creative media of other forms, such as art, illustration, design and photography. I found it very helpful as this is the type of content I want to showcase in my magazine.

To ensure that my magazine is appropriate for my target market, I will be conducting some market research in the form of an online survey. I already conducted a preliminary survey a few months ago to establish what magazine consumers liked, as well as what they thought was missing on the current market. Over the past week I researched different survey questions and developed two new surveys to give me a greater understanding of my target demographic. It will help me to clearly define my target market as well as establish what style of design and content they would like within a magazine.

Below are two screen-shots from my first survey which helped give me a good indication of the main topics I should include in Fawn Magazine. An over-whelming response of surveyed readers said their ideal magazine would include several fashion related sections as well as lots of photography. Using this research I developed a rough topic outline focusing the magazine on visual creative media. I thought it would be good to focus on a particular area rather than add in all the elements that readers said they wanted. This allows the magazine to have a stronger brand vision, and gives the content a more unified feel.

As well as continuing to work on my project documentation to hand in in Week 6, I also visited Adobe's Kuler site to help me develop a colour scheme for my magazine. I have selected several possible colour schemes to work with, and will narrow it down once I have received more information from my surveys.

That's about it for my Week 3 wrap up.


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