
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fawn Magazine Stage 2 - Week 9

When I met with Leonard a couple of weeks back I was talking to him about redesigning the website as I no longer felt that it reflected my current magazine design. I was originally going to redesign it myself, however Leonard suggested that I get some 2nd year Multimedia students on board from Qantm, as there were other more important things that I should be spending my time on.

This week I had organised to meet the guys that Leonard had brought on board, Reuel, Jacob and Ben. The fours of us plus Leonard met at Qantm and discussed what it was I wanted from my new website, not only in terms of design but also functionality.

From this meeting the boys went away and put together two appropriate design for me. I used these two designs and combined the elements I liked from each to create a final PSD version of the website design. In this design I also added all the fonts and colours that were going to be used in the magazine so that the website and magazine would tie in nicely together.

On top of this I also redesigned the EDM template so that it would match the design of the website. This was then emailed to my team which would implement that design in to my MailChimp account which would be used for my newsletters.

I began work on my photo editing this week. I decided to do a little trial and error first, to see whether I was able to achieve the same effect I wanted to use that I saw in Surface Magazine. Afer a few tries I got a combinations of blurring and overlaying images that worked really nicely together, so I noted what setting I had used an moved onto actually editing the images.


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