
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fawn Magazine Stage 2 - Week 4

I spent a lot of this week following up on emails I sent in week 3. After getting good initial interest form both Emma Mulholland and Violet & I, I did not get replies from my following emails which caused me to worry about the shoot sections.

I decided to contact a few more designers that had interested me. These designers included Faddoul and Evyie. I had a great response from Evyie, saying that they would love to be involved. I did not receive a any response from Faddoul.

During the week I posted an advertisement on Pedestrian TV looking for a hair stylist for the shoots. I had already found a model willing to work with me, as well as a photographer and makeup artist, although I was still missing a hair stylist.

I got a lot of response from the ad about people interested in working with Fawn, however none of them happened to be hair stylists. One email in particular had caught my eye from a lady called Cheryl Tan. She was a freelance fashion stylist trying to get her work into publications. By looking through her portfolio it was easy to see she was incredibly talented. She had a couple of shoots that were already produced that she said I could use. Unfortunately the shoots did not fit my winter theme, so I contacted her and asked is she would be able to put a shoot together in 2 weeks for Fawn Magazine's Winter issue. After confirming that she would be able to, I was able to check that item off my agenda to free up more time to focus on the business side of things.

As for the emails I sent to advertisers, I got responses back from Qantm and In.cube8r saying that they would be happy to advertise. Qantm said that they would be happy to contribute a monetary amount to me while In.cube8r were interested in doing an advertising space swap on our website.

In addition to this I continued to work on my layout and created a post for the website to start generating interest in the site.


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