
Monday, June 13, 2011

Fawn Magazine - Week 2

As the end of Week 2 draws to a close, I feel I have had a rather productive past couple of days.

I have been finalising my Scope document and Gannt chart, which I began working on last week. I felt that the Gannt chart I produced last week was not detailed enough so to help make a more thorough chart for this week, I completed a work breakdown structure for the projects key deliverables. Using the work break down structure document as a guide I can now update my Gannt chart with the new information.

I also thought I would start working on my Marketing strategy/Promotional plan, which details the differing ways that Fawn will be promoted to the public. With no surprise there is a large emphasis on digital promotion which I feel would be the most effective medium to promote a digital magazine.

I wanted to test out the interactive button capability in Adobe Indesign CS5, so I made a dummy document and turned the text into a button that would link to a URL. I completed this test to see if I would be able to create links to stockist websites through the magazine. I exported the Indesign document as an interactive PDF and the button worked by opening the link in my internet browser, so it seems feasible that this will work in the final PDF. I will however need to test another PDF on a live web page to make sure it does work.

Finally I did a bit of research into emerging designers to see if there were any designers that I could possibly lend product from to shoot. I found a company called styleXpose that aims at exposing up and coming Australian designers and models. I emailed the Director Amy asking her if she knew of any designers or models that may be interested in helping out with Fawn Magazine. I had a great response from her saying that she would be all to happy to help and would pass my email onto a few models, designers and a PR agency. 

Amy then went on to ask if I would be interested in judging one of the heats in the styleXpose fashion shows in September. I have agreed to be a judge in the second heat which takes place on the 7th of September. It is an amazing opportunity for me not only as I will be judging the collections of some of Sydney's most promising new designers, but it will also be great exposure for Fawn Magazine. 

So that is something exciting to look forward to in September, but in the mean time it is back to work as there is a lot to do in between now and then. 


1 comment:

  1. Hello world, hey has anyone seen The Devils Wears Prada, love that documentary.
